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Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising

Facebook social network has the most members in Turkey. Not only the young population, but also people of all ages are members of Facebook and the number of people who are members of Facebook is increasing every day.
Publishing your ad on social media makes your company or products / service easier to notice and spread. You can reach more than one customer even by showing your advertisement on social media once. You can reach your target audience for your company more easily through Facebook.
If you determine your target audience that your ad should reach, you will use your advertising budget more efficiently for your product / service.You can increase your feedback by getting different target audiences for each product / service.
Facebook advertisement; reaches large audiences, interaction with the consumer is high, increases sales.
Site Factory with facebook ads;
- Reaching the target audience,
- Increasing brand awareness,
- Increasing the awareness of websites,
- Increasing the number of fans or likes,
- Keeping in touch with customers
- It serves purposes such as obtaining sales.
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